DWCC have been in business for over 12 years, during which time we have seen the adoption of white-label sales enablement services grow rapidly. Let’s examine the reasons why this model has gathered such momentum in recent years and why it is especially relevant now.
Rapid change
It’s being driven by cost of customer acquisition, global reach, virtual meetings, time to execution, burn rates, localization, increasing acceptance by prospects and now, travel restrictions. It doesn’t mean the time and need for a face to face meeting have gone away, but the frequency and timing have changed.
Sales enablement is not an appointment setting or telemarketing task, when properly utilized it is a strategic B2B communication asset enabling expensive sales executive resources to focus on what they do best, engaging and closing active sales cycles. Sales enablement is taking over business development activities that once were the responsibility of field sales. BDRs are part of a unified sales enablement go-to-market approach that relies on insightful research and powerful analytic and communication technologies to engage buyers. In some cases BDRs, are even carrying quotas and closing deals themselves.
New thinking, new tools
As a result, the demand for expert Business Development Representatives (BDRs) is strong. Much like payroll, being a non-core competency it can be outsourced, and demand for an expert outsourced plug and play sales enablement solution is increasing dramatically…Due to advances in technology, it's never been easier for an informed and skilled BDR to engage a prospect and by engaging buyers more quickly and effectively, you can increase your revenue and lower your customer acquisition cost.
The new professionalism: what's driving it?
One issue that may have impeded the development of white label outsourced BDRs in the past is the perception that the 3rd party firms were mere appointment setters and not even very good at that. In other words, such workers were often thought of as telemarketers or a poorly motivated group that exhibits very high rates of turnover. And while there may have been some truth to this characterization in the past, it is no longer the case. Now the status associated with BDRs (both insourced and outsourced) is rapidly rising as they deliver ever more impressive results within a broader sales enablement framework.
Autonomy: the freedom to act
Autonomy, in this case, is the desire to be self-directed and manage our own lives. Highly motivated, highly trained BDRs are now getting far more independence than they might have in the past. In many cases, they can make their own plans, manage their own regions, determine their own hours, and take the steps they believe are necessary to be most effective and deliver results that matter. They aren't simply handed scripts and told to pound the phones. They have the freedom to research their prospects and converse as they see appropriate which leads to better smarter results and encourages an environment of continuous improvement. The value to a prospect is speaking with a vendor that knows their business and can explain in succinct, clear language how they will add value to their business, in some cases approaching 95% specificity. When you are accurate on what they really care about more than 9 out of 10 times, your chances of getting a seat at the table are about the same.
Technology sector embraces sales enablement
The rise of sales enablement is perhaps most pronounced in early-stage companies that have embraced virtual multi-channel selling and have actively invested in it. The explosive growth of Cloud and SaaS solutions has been a critical factor in the movement. They can both demonstrate and provision their offerings from a distance.
Another key factor has been the changing economics of their offerings that have made it both possible and necessary to sell from a distance. You can no longer justify putting armies of salespeople in the field when their initial price points are so much lower than prior solutions. Nor do you need to.
Venture Capitalists, Private Equity – time to value, cost of customer acquisition
Nowadays, many VCs and PEs refuse to fund companies if they aren't fully committed to a selling model that emphasizes speed while at the same time minimizing burn rate and customer acquisition cost. Moreover, such companies are expected to be agile, adaptive and innovative on other fronts. Why not rethink the need to build out an internal model? Why not execute a new go-to-market strategy leveraging best of breed white label sales enablement that can deliver lower costs and a higher return on investment?
Like payroll, plug and play sales enablement (a unified global platform of people, process, technology, and methodology) is something you could build-out yourself, but if it's not your core competency then consider this, there is another way.